February 28th, 1925


The others are becoming difficult. Over tea, they insisted on talking about the books we have all been reading again. It was worse than Barcelona. There at least they were being open and musing. Today they were paranoid, pushy, and rude.

I don't mind discussing these books. They have fanciful ideas, and some certainly crazy spells. I really don't believe these are too much more than folk tales finally written down, but Lord Covington was adamant that there could be no crossover. Clearly he is mistaken, and became quite testy when I pointed out that his claims were based on air. Really, I thought an academic would know better than discussing unfounded claims. 

Honestly, I can't imagine why they would openly discuss these. And beyond that, how does one discuss such material when it is so disparate? Obviously the Livre D'Ivon and Liber Ivonis are connected and have similarities as the first is a commentary on the second. But gracious me, how am I supposed to explain the insane musings to one who hasn't read them? 

Besides which, it is definitely not suitable discussion material in front of the children.


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